Ash Tree Publishing
Complementary Alternative Medicine
Women's Health, Women's Spirituality
P.O. Box 64
Woodstock, NY 12498
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Hypericum Conference
St. Joan's/John's Wort
Produced by Susun Weed
Sponsored by Ash Tree Publishing

Virtual Event May 1-10 2023
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Kyle Denton

St. John the Baptist Wort - Above All Icons and Medicine for When the Soul Stays, plus herb walk
Kyle Denton attempts to demonstrates how St. John’s wort can be an example of a particular aspect of nature that connects the astro theological to the natural world as described in the hermetic principle of correspondence, as above so below. I call it St. John’s wort, some call it St. Joan’s wort. Let's see the relevance of the anthropomorphism of this plant, and if the name precedes any historical figure as I show it is an allegorical representation of what we observe from the condensation of energetic patterns from the macrocosm to the microcosm. For this I rely on the signatures of the plant, the name, the medicinal virtues and more.
Kyle Denton is a community herbalist and founder of Tippecanoe Herbs in Milwaukee Wisconsin. He runs and herb shop supplied by the medicine in which he makes, forages, runs an herbal school and makes custom formulas for clients in which he works one-on-one.