Ash Tree Publishing
Complementary Alternative Medicine
Women's Health, Women's Spirituality
P.O. Box 64
Woodstock, NY 12498
Phone/Fax: 1-845-246-8081
Books you’ll treasure. Information you can trust.
Ash Tree Publishing brings you the best of herbal medicine in the Wise Woman Tradition. Focusing on the work of Juliette de Bairacli Levy (1912-2009) and Susun Weed (1946- ), pioneers in the field of integrative health and holistic medicine.
Ash Tree Publishing books are lavishly illustrated, superbly edited, fully indexed, and filled with trustworthy information. Readers buy multiple copies to give to their friends, and have repeatedly called Ash Tree books “bibles” of good health.
Both Ms. Levy and Ms. Weed created lifestyles based on the use of herbs not just for restoring health but for maintaining optimum health. They speak from their extensive experience in their writing, bringing you into their green and abundant world, sharing remedies and recipes that are simple, safe, and highly effective.
Ash Tree Publishing books are used world-wide. Their scope is international. They encompass the full range of health care options, guiding you in wise use of herbs, homeopathy, body attunement, drugs (including chemotherapy), psycho-active plants, and even surgery.