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Down There: Sexual and Reproductive Health the Wise Woman Way

Susun S. Weed


“Just when I thought there were too many women's health care books, one appears with a fresh perspective. This is a book of choices. Susun provides the mainstream perspective, a deeper understanding of pelvic conditions, and all the treatment options. Unlike most texts, this one is a delight to peruse. I enjoyed it cover to cover.” 
Sharol Tilgner,  Herbal Medicine from the Heart of the Earth


“A crucial and  empowering  book.  You  clearly  explain  how  my  body  works so  I  finally  understand  and pick the best options for my health.” 
Maria Barresi, Wise Woman 


"Once again Susun Weed blesses us with wit and deep wisdom. Take this book to bed. It is destined to be a classic for men and women for generations.” 
Brigitte Mars, herbalist, author, professor


"Susun  Weed  is  one  of  the  most  important,  informative,  and  inspirational  writers  of  our  time.  Her  new book, like all her others, is an essential guide to anyone seeking optimum health.”
Corinna Wood, Red Moon Herbs

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Healing Wise

Susun S. Weed


"Healing Wise is filled with the wisdom of our earth mother who is the caretaker of all beings. To everyone concerned with personal and planetary health, this books speaks as a vital messenger and a call to wholeness from the mother earth."
Twylah Nitsche, Yehwehnode Two Wolves
Seneca Elder, Wolf Clan


"One of the most powerful spokespersons of the herbal movement, Susun Weed introduces a marvelous sense of vitality and originality to herbalism. A poet, artist, and visionary, Weed draws us into ancient wisdom in a way that is clear and refreshing. I recommend Healing Wise highly - there is good medicine in these teachings."
Rosemary Gladstar founder California School of Herbal Studies


"I was taught in the Scientific tradition. I've seen the Heroic tradition replace drugs with vitamins and herbs and intimidate people into 'cures.' But the self-similar conical spiral action of people using their natural genius of transformation and change is what creates negentropy on an individual and cosmic level. I had never seen a book strong enough to explore this dimension of healing until I found Healing Wise. I urge every MD and every "patient" to read it.
Caroline Dean, BSC, MD


"Weed's Healing Wise is an intelligent exposition of the feminine-intuitive mode of healing. Especially important is her clear discernment of the difference between the gentle Wise Woman way and other so-called "alternative" healing paths with their dualisms and dogma. I wish every healer in the "new age" could incorporate this approach in her/his work!"
Vicki Noble, co-creator Motherpeace Tarot 

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NEW Menopausal Years The Wise Woman Way

Susun S. Weed


"This book should be in the hands of every woman, world-wide, no matter what age."
Juliette de Baïracli Levy, author Common Herbs for Natural Health


"What a joy! What delight! User-friendly, poetic, and still gives the facts."
Rosetta Reitz, author Menopause: A Positive Approach


"I'm so glad Susun Weed exists - her work is vitally important."
Olympia Dukakis, Academy Award-winning actress


"An enormously rich and superior brew, brimming with a tremendous variety of useful information."
Mara Taub, author Menopause: A Self Care Manual


"Thank you for putting together such an important book. Women come into our library seeking this material all the time."
Maggy Brown, Center for Medical Consumers


"Your wild green wisdom has inspired me for years!"
Christiane Northrup, MD author The Wisdom of Menopause

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Breast Cancer? Breast Health! the Wise Woman Way 

Susun S. Weed


"The voice of women's wisdom sings on every page of this magnificent book."

Christiane Northrup, M.D.


"I was touched, moved, and empowered as I read each page of this extraordinary book. It is not only the most informative book I've found on the topic, but truly the most inspiring."

Rosemary Gladstar 


"A major work that will have a profound impact on the field of holistic medicine. The clarity and compassion that fills these pages makes them essential reading for all."
David Hofffman


"The perfect antidote to the fear that surrounds breast cancer."
Carolyn De Marco, M.D.

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Wise Woman Herbal for the Childbearing Year

Susun S. Weed


Thank you VERY much for everything you have done for women, men and children. I have your book Wise Woman Herbal for the Childbearing Year and have just started drinking infusions of red clover blossoms, stinging nettle leaves, and raspberry leaf too. ~ Kimberly


Really great book for people into alternative medicine and herbs. Full of lots of hard to find information about herbs and remedies to take and not take while pregnant. Also good pre and post pregnancy and baby info! 


Great book for the "alternative' mom
If you are into herbs and natural health and pregnant or thinking about getting pregnant this is a must read! Full of wonderful information and very well written. Was my favorite book during pregnancy and beyond. 

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Traveler's Joy
Juliette de Bairacli Levy.


A fascinating book about a woman, Juliette, born into an upper middle class family in England, who studies veterinary science, and then decides that she wishes to wander around the world like a nomad. She travels with Afghan hounds. She meets up with gypsies and learns much from them. She becomes well versed in herbs and goes onto several books on the subject. I found it very enchanting and unlike anything I've read about before. ~ Annie


One of my top 10 favorite books of all time. A collage of life advice, practical solutions, herbal medicine, and traveler's tales. Juliette is an absolute delight, her good heart and wisdom shines through the pages. ~ Angie



Common Herbs for Natural Health
Juliette de Bairacli Levy.


Juliette de Bairacli Levy is one of the modern mothers of herbal lore, and this book is about 40 years old, but the time-tested wisdom holds true. The remedies I have tried thus far at her suggestion have brought me relief-along with trust, of course, and with a healthy lifestyle. I will certainly keep this as future reference, along with my other herbals. ~ Katie


My go-to reference book on all things herbal. A must have for anyone using herbal remedies at any level. ~ Rebecca


A brilliant book that offers green lifestyle choices to treat and care for your family, explains how to use herbs. ~ Caron



Nature's Children
Juliette de Bairacli Levy.


Wow! just when you think that there are no gypsies left -- here is one who has a degree in Medicine and can write so beautifully -- tales of her adventures raising her children among the gypsies of Europe and the Middle East -- with lots of tips on home remedies, herbs, etc.! ~ Nancy


I'm sure I'll be reading this book again and returning to it frequently to concoct recipes and teas for my children. ~ Tracy



Summer in Galilee
Juliette de Bairacli Levy


I found Summer in Galilee to be engrossing. I enjoyed every moment spent in its pages. Juliette de Bairacli Levy lived a fascinating life during her time in Galilee. Except when the Sea of Galilee was tempestuous she refers to it as the Lake of Galilee for that is what it put her more in mind of. We are treated to her life on its shores, her travels, her views on the history of the area, her knowledge of folklore and medicinal plants. As you turn each page you learn more about the area, the history, the plants and this interesting woman who lived her life in a manner as natural as the world around.
I highly recommend Summer in Galilee. It is entrancing and you will find yourself wrapped up in each and every page, reluctant to put it down and leave the magic of Juliette de Bairacli Levy’s wonderful prose and the world as she shows it behind you.. ~ Tracy



A Gypsy in New York
Juliette de Bairacli Levy


She speaks of her plants and herbal remedies. She speaks of learning new ones and seeing ones she already used in a book in a gypsy tea room on “green magic”. She vividly brings to mind a simpler, perhaps wiser time where she and others first turned to nature for their remedies rather than running to the doctor’s office. Her book is a cornucopia of plant folklore and uses. It is an irreplaceable resource.
I highly recommend A Gypsy in New York for its herbal treasures, colorful prose and historical perspective of a city that is an American icon. ~ Tracy 



Spanish Mountain Life
Juliette de Bairacli Levy


Juliette's distinctive voice can be heard throughout the book. For those of us who wondered, it also clears up the question of her husband, the father of her children. Francisco Lancha Dominguez, a journalist who was working in Spanish Morocco. He comes to see her and help when the typhus is at its worst. But he does not think she should have come to this wild place. "He could never belong to the country life, and I, likewise, could not belong to the town. We warred much concerning this. He thought that it was madness on my part to choose to be alone in an old mill in Spain for the birth of our second child, and not with him in Tetuan." ~ Connie





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