Ash Tree Publishing
Complementary Alternative Medicine
Women's Health, Women's Spirituality
P.O. Box 64
Woodstock, NY 12498
Phone/Fax: 1-845-246-8081

The Comfrey Conference
Time to End the Fear
Virtual Event
May 9 - 15, 2022
Peter Bigfoot

Experiences with Comfrey
A. Properties of the Roots and Leaves
B. Harvesting, Propagating and Processing
C. Uses As a Poultice and As a Tea
D. Cautions in Use
Peter Bigfoot is perhaps best known for his July 1976 solo foraging trek across the Sonoran Desert. He brought no food or water, relying strictly on what could be foraged along the way, and bushwhacked 85 miles in 15 days. Grueling heat, the constant threat of dehydration, and a bout with hepatitis were true tests of his wilderness survival wisdom. This transformational experience inspired Peter to found Reevis Mountain School of Self-Reliance, in the northeast corner of Arizona’s Superstition Wilderness. Here students experience Bigfoot’s uniquely loving blend of botanical knowledge, survival skills, natural healing techniques, and spiritual awareness.
Peter is also the master craftsman behind Reevis Mountain Remedies, a line of healthful herbal extracts he has made available to the public since 1988.