Luzclara came to visit me yesterday. I've been writing about past visits with native grandmothers and their teachings. I've been speaking about women, women's culture, women's power, and women's "business" as my Australian aunties call it. Sharing the rites and rituals, the ceremonies and initiations of woman-born-woman, of those who carry xx. Women have been thrilled with my words; a couple of men have argued and complained, even accused me of being phobic.
I ask myself: Are the teachings of these grandmothers ancient and moldy? Out of touch with reality? Still valid today?
The goddess laughs. She sends a grandmother to my door. Literally. A dynamic, stunningly beautiful, wise, funny, and marvelous medicine woman from Chile came to visit yesterday. An 83-year-old shaman from an indigenous culture: Luzclara (literally "light clear"). We, and her companion Angelica, spend hours wandering with the goats, filling each other with delight, telling tales, and planning for our next adventure: a gathering of the Elders in 2025.
Luzclara, Angelica, and I are sitting, drinking linden infusion and watching the goats graze and play. Luzclara confides in me: "When I started having menopausal symptoms decades ago, the doctors told me I had to take hormones. I did not want to. I intuitively knew that menopause is a natural flowering. I understood that the rosebud opens in its own time. I wanted to be patient with myself. But no one would talk about this change. I had no woman to guide me. Until I found your book. I felt as though you were my grandmother, taking me in hand, and leading me, step-by-step through the portal of menopause. Here I am, I never took those hormones, I'm healthy and strong. Thanks to you and green allies."
"I'm healthy and strong and find it rich and rewarding to continue my work, my work with women," she continues with a vibrant smile. "Women. I work with women. I only allow xx women, woman-born-woman, to participate in my ceremonies. This is traditional. Not a prejudice. A necessity." (She volunteers this. I do not lead her or ask her, though once she says it, I reassure her that the same is true for me.)
I ask her about variations, those who don't want to follow the cultural patterns for women and men. How are they treated? Seen? Are they honored?
She allows that they exist, but very rarely. And that a man can dress as a woman and do her work; or a woman dress as a man and do his tasks. "But those men are not regarded as women. They do not attend women's councils. They are not welcome in women's rituals."
As she speaks, I understand that these differences are allowed, but not honored. Accepted, but not seen as special. Understood as a variation, an anomaly; not right, but tolerable.
She notes that recently, in the US, her sacred ways are threatened and she is attacked for standing up for women. Sigh. Me too. She relates stories of hatred directed at her for maintaining women's culture. Sigh. Me too. She speaks with a loving heart of her commitment to women. Smile. Me too. Tells me how important it is for the women to gather. Grin. Me too.
Of course I tell her of my recent expulsion by the police from a woman's gathering, because I saved a woman's life, but offended the director. She snorts and exclaims: "What overwhelming ego!"
"Women forget their culture. They forget how to honor the Elders. We must gather the women. We must remind them, show them, teach them, lead by our example. I did it before Covid, and now I will do it again. I will gather the women, gather the elders. Will you come?"
Yes. Oh, yes. I will come. I am buoyed by her love for women and our culture. I am reassured by her words. I learn again that putting women in charge promotes peace and abundance for all. Yes. I will come to your gathering grandmother. Count me in.
One last exchange. I am thrilled to be able to fulfill her desire for a comfrey root. I dig it out and put it into her hands. What a magnificent visit. Thank you dearest goddess. Ciao nayhnayh.
Let the women gather.
Let the women gather in beauty.
Let the women gather and breathe in joy.
Let the women's gather and remember that their hearts are the Earth Mother's heart.
Let the women gather to honor their elders.
Let the women gather.
Let the women gather green blessings.
