Tonight the moon is full.
It's already so bright, it woke me up last night.
And the night before.
Sparkling through the frost on my window.
Gleaming on the dusting of snow on the ground.
Sailing cloudless and alone.
Opening my eyes.
Bringing me to awareness.
A moon bath.
Shining on my face.
I smile.
Go outside.
It's cold.
Moon bath.
It's a mirror in the sky.
Moon mirror.
Reflected sunlight illuminates my skin.
My smile mirrors hers.
This is the moon for asking.
This is the day for requests.
No letter to Santa needed.
It doesn't matter if you've been naughty or nice.
Go for it.
Ask for it.
Dream large.
Think big.
Embrace success.
On your own terms.
It is never settled.
We can always wonder
Am I a success?
We know so well our lacks, our failures, our difficulties.
We know where we are slighted, ignored, black listed, reviled.
We imagine how much more we could do, could have.
Success is illusive.
It is not this success that ignites our request.
It is a deeper, fuller, perhaps more hidden success.
This full moon opens the door to satisfying success.
Success on your soul's journey of discovery.
Success that makes you laugh for no reason.
Success that hums under your breath.
Success that puts you to sleep when your head is pillowed.
Success that satisfies.
No reward given in front of a cheering throng.
No prize awarded with a fanfare.
Success that shines like the moon in your heart.
Success that opens you like standing naked under the full moon.
Swallow the moon.
Let the moon go.
On one's own terms.
By one's own lights.
What are my own terms?
* Would I rather be at ease in the woods with my goats or coping with the stress of an airport?
* Would I rather be sleeping in my own bed, awakened by moonlight, or a woodpecker tattoo, or would I rather sleep somewhere strange — usually with a plastic-covered mattress — with electric lights everywhere?
* Would I rather worry that someone I don't know will hate me because I am autistic, or relax with friends who understand the challenges I face every day?
When I understand what success feels like to my body, my mind stops grabbing.
Gratitude fills me.
Like moonlight.
Goosebumps on bare skin.
Ringing silence.
I walk in moonlight.
I walk in beauty.
I breathe in moonlight.
I breathe with the plants, a giveaway dance through endless time.
My heart beats harder in the moonlit cold.
My heart is one with the earth's beating heart.
I eat a frozen stalk of chickweed.
Green blessings surround me.
I return to bed.