We all come from the mother.
Mother Earth.
We are made of the earth.
We are the earth.
Every cell comes from the earth.
Every mitochondrion is made of earth elements.
The earth is five billion years old.
That means we are made of electrons that have been changing places with each other for five billion years.
At least.
The universe is about 13.8 billion years old.
All the elements that make us up came from the nuclear furnaces of exploding stars.
So some of those electrons have been changing places for over 13 billion years.
Some of the elements in any body are incredibly old.
We are made of atoms that have been combining to make molecules and cells for at least five billion years.
Probably longer.
And they know it.
They remember.
Nearly a year ago, in February of 2024, at the University of Oxford, researchers — using a new technique — measured the movement of charged particles (ions) on the fastest ever timescale. They gained new insights into the fundamental transport processes in the mitochondria. And they demonstrated, for the first time, that "the flow of atoms or ions possesses a memory."
We are made of the earth.
Down to the smallest detail.
And we remember this.
Every mitochondria remembers.
Every breath is a giveaway dance.
We exchange atoms of carbon and oxygen with plants.
Atoms that are now in your body were in a plant just a moment ago.
They were in a plant millions of years ago.
They have been dancing from form to form, from plant to lung and back again, for billions of years.
The atoms of carbon we exchange arose about 4.4 billion years ago on planet earth.
Carbon atoms have been around for 12.5 billion years in the universe.
Oxygen atoms are older.
They have been around for 13.1 billion years.
The atoms of oxygen on planet earth are only 2 billion years old, though.
It took earth-based carbon about a billion years to figure out how to create single cell organisms.
And then those simple organisms needed another billion years to figure out how to photosynthesize.
How patient.
How unhurried.
How relaxing.
The atoms of oxygen I breathe are young.
They weren't made in the stars.
They were made right here on earth.
The food I eat comes from the earth.
All diets are earth-based diets.
All diets are plant-based diets.
Even ultra-processed food comes from the earth.
Crude oil and petroleum products come from the earth.
They are really old fermented plants.
Pesticides and herbicides, glyphosate and fertilizer, all come from the earth.
All come from elements created by the stars and recombined here in earth.
None of this is toxic.
There are no toxins.
Choose to keep what nourishes.
Choose to release what does not nourish.
This is a natural process.
Every body does this on its own.
When there are plenty of minerals circulating and available, then heavy metals — like lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium — and environmental chemicals, which are present in some foods, are not sequestered or stored in our tissues but excreted in the feces.
Less stress.
Make a huge pot of nourishing herbal infusion for your celebration dinner this week.
Drink nothing but infusion at your family feast or friendly gathering.
Don't worry about what's on the table.
Don't be concerned about whether it is organic or not. GMO or not.
Let the infusion trigger your body to accept nourishment and release non-nourishment.
Let the infusion open your heart to joy.
Nourishing Herbal Infusion for a Crowd
night time:
Put 2 gallons of water in your largest pan.
Cover and bring to a rolling boil.
Add 8 ounces (that's half a pound) of any one herb.
Steep overnight.
Next morning:
Pour liquid through a strainer.
Dump wet plant material into a large bowl.
Finish by squeezing out the liquid remaining in the plant material.
The plant material that winds up in the compost shouldn't drip.
Add honey if you wish.
Serve chilled or warmed.
* Red clover infusion tastes like black tea.
Served hot and slightly sweetened with honey, it is easily accepted by those unused to herbal drinks.
* Linden infusion tastes soothing and yummy.
Served cold or hot, sweetened or not, it is a big favorite with children.
* Nettle infusion tastes like green milk when iced.
Or serve it hot with miso to start your meal.
Crunchy, politically-correct friends groove on nettle.
* Oatstraw infusion is so mellow and calming and easy to drink.
Choose this if your family is always on the brink of cranky.
Pour some smiles at your table.
* Comfrey leaf infusion is challenging.
I mix it with pure grape juice as an enticement.
Tried it with fermented grape juice and wow.
Or I heat it really hot and add honey.
That is stunningly delicious.
Don't have the time or space to make that much infusion?
Make a single quart of hibiscus infusion.
Dilute that concentrate into your water glass and enjoy.
It's not as mineral-rich as a nourishing herbal infusions, but much healthier than any other drink you are likely to be offered.
Celebrate beauty.
Celebrate your elders.
Celebrate abundance.
Celebrate native Americans.
Celebrate native food.
Celebrate in community.
Every step in beauty.
Every breath as a giveaway.
Every heart beat synchronized with the earth's heartbeat.
Green blessings surround us.