Ash Tree Publishing
Complementary Alternative Medicine
Women's Health, Women's Spirituality
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Hypericum Conference
St. Joan's/John's Wort
Produced by Susun Weed
Sponsored by Ash Tree Publishing

Virtual Event May 1-10 2023
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Jaycee Clarkson

Being in Relationship with St. Joan’s Wort
Join me as we journey into deeper relationship with St. Joan’s Wort (SJW). Whether this herb is a new acquaintance, a favourite lover, or an old friend let us connect with the wisdom and stories she has to share with us today. I invite you to open your minds and hearts to the possibility that YOU can communicate with the green allies growing outside your door.
In my first video, I have a song to share with all of you, recorded in a beautiful patch of hypericum in the Summer of 2022. If you know Susun Weed, you know we call hypericum St. JOAN’s Wort, in honour of Joan of Arc - this song captures what this namesake means to me. It has become a practice of mine to create songs in honour of the plants I work with - it is such a delight and joy to sing to the plants as I harvest.
I’m not afraid, I was born for this
Carving a different way
I’m not afraid, my heart yearns for this
As sure as the rising day
I speak, I cry
I burn, I die
But let my death be the fire that guides you on
In the second video, I guide you through a meditation where we will breathe and sit with St. Joan’s Wort, accompanied by a visual presentation with images and videos taken of SJW throughout the season.
Photo/video credit: Jaycee Clarkson @unfurlwellness, Andi Grace Rose @smokeandforage, Serena Renea @living.unity
And finally, I share one of my favourite ways to be in relationship with this plant - the simple and powerful practice of herbal body oiling! Feel free to join in with a bottle of hypericum oil, or any herbal oil you have available.
JAYCEE CLARKSON lives near big mountains and wild rivers in the Interior of British Columbia, Canada with her partner and puppy. She is the creator of UNFURL WELLNESS, an herbalist, and wise woman way birth attendant. She teaches simple remedy making workshops, practices Ayurvedic Lymphatic Drainage Massage, and holds birth and women’s circles in her community. She’s very excited to be teaching her very first 6 week online class PLANTS + MUSHROOMS FOR MENTAL HEALTH with co-teacher Andi Grace Rose of Smoke & Forage: wild remedies that work.
Follow along on social media to stay in touch and weave together! https://www.facebook.com/unfurlwellness