Good Morning
I awaken to hummingbirds at my window.
I awaken to rain.
I awaken to another beautiful day in the Catskills.
I awaken filled with joy.
I awaken feeling loved.
The orchid Justine bought for me last week blooms on my window sill.
The orchid Justine brought me in the hospital in June 2020 (my return visit, two weeks after my surgical discharge) is about to bloom again.
I awaken and wonder what to say today.
What do the Green Goddesses need to hear?
It's not so important what I say, I decide.
What I teach is beyond words.
The green goddesses are resetting their nervous systems with nature's rhythms.
The green goddesses are resetting their gut-brain with soil bacteria from wild salads.
The green goddesses are remineralizing every cell with nourishing herbal infusions.
No words needed.
Today the green goddesses will have a yoga class with me.
A woman's yoga class.
A class that reminds a woman to engage her pelvic floor.
A yin yoga class that connects a woman to her unique and sacred physical body.
A yoga class that reduces breast cancer risk and increases awareness (goodbye mammograms).
A yoga class designed for a woman's wide hips. (Did you know that women's hips are so wide that the ends of their femurs, at the knee, are slanted? Whereas men's are straight? Doesn't matter what you claim to be. The knees reveal the reality.)
A yoga class centered on the energy of the womb space. (About one-third of American women have that energy, that space, but no longer have a physical uterus. No man, no matter what surgery or hormones s/he uses on his/self, no matter how hard s/he imagines it, no matter what s/he believes, will never have a womb space.)
A yoga class that creates serenity and strength in a woman's psyche.
It doesn't matter so much what I say.
My teachings are beyond words.
Listen closely.
Tonight my distant students and I will zoom. All mentored and correspondent students are welcome.
Tomorrow night, Thursday, is a free teleseminar on plant intelligence and plant patterns. Everyone is welcome.
Register here—includes access to the recording—link:
Friday night we will be in moonlodge. Woman-born-woman are welcome.
Saturday we present our goddesses archetypes and awaken our power shields. Green goddesses only.
Sunday finds us at a Dianic witchs' ceremony, where Lady Iona will initiate green witches.
Dianic = matrifocal
Dianic = women's culture
Dianic = under the protection of the goddess
Diane is my birth middle name.
I feel Mother Earth's heart beating between my breasts.
I feel the breath of the ancient ones, the grandmothers, the plants, in my lungs.
I see the beauty of women all around me.
I feel my womb; it reveals the voices of green blessings.